Haih, can I just buy all the shoes that I like on this website hasdjkfl Everything is below 100 ringgit
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Shoes galore
Haih, can I just buy all the shoes that I like on this website hasdjkfl Everything is below 100 ringgit
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Bulan Ramadhan
'Orang muda tanya Rasulullah SAW, kalau nak cium dahi isteri pada siang hari dalam bulan Ramadhan, boleh ke?' Baginda jawab, tidak.
'Orang tua tanya baginda, kalau nak cium dahi isteri pada siang hari dalam bulan Ramadhan, boleh ke?' Baginda jawab, ciumlah.
Menurut ustaz, jawapan berlainan adalah sebab kalau orang tua ni... temperature dia dah tak spark dah.. Kalau orang muda ni, bahaya... Heheh
Benda camni senang la pulak nak ingat kan. Haha
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Funny thing is, I always love to envision the guys in my batch being the better appearance they could be. Because each person has their potential. They just need some driver to transform them.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Blue ink
That feeling. The feeling of not wanting to see someone anymore, or talk or hear the voice of that particular someone. That after the incident, you just hope that s/he is gone, or you live in a place elsewhere. Just so you wouldn't have to see him/her anymore. Just so you don't feel the pain again. Just so you could be free, not pretending, and be you, yourself.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Broken retainer
500myr in Desa Pandan, 600myr in Shah Alam, but thankfully we found only 200myr in Kg Pandan (a clinic where I used to go when I was little) for a retainer for upper teeth.
Going back and fourth during the weekdays is not something pleasant. It's tiring. With the classes of the next days and all. It was a hard decision of when to make the retainer and when to take the retainer. But the longer I wait, the worst will happen to my new set of teeth, and bye bye 6k.
So I thought... Biarlah penat diri ni, janji tak belanja duit berlebihan. I am still really surprised of the way cheaper price it offered, especially with really good quality than the expensive ones.