Do you really love your job? Do you look forward to everyday for work?
Or you just happen to have the knowledge and some skills, so you go for that line of work?
Just so you can pay the bills, or save some money to go somewhere, to buy something for yourself, either as a reward or as simply something you love to do?
What have you actually done and gained in the past three years in audit?
Or am I giving myself so less credit than I deserve, with all these questions?
Ah yes, you should not compare your achievements with others, but exactly, what have you achieved? Do you even have goals to be achieved?
Working 9-5 is not wrong. Stay, if you are comfortable. But do you feel like you want more? Challenges? Are you up to face the challenges?
Maybe you need a child to care for.
But what you already have now is a test for you. What do you actually do with all you already have?