Tuesday, December 11, 2018


"One of the most prominent distinguishing features of the Muslim woman is her deep faith in Allah (SWT), and her sincere conviction that whatever happens in this universe, and whatever fate befalls human beings, only happens through the will and decree of Allah (SWT); whatever befalls a person could not have been avoided, and whatever does not happen to a person could not have been made to happen. A person has no choice in this life but to strive towards the right path and to do good deeds - acts of worship and other acts - by whatever means one can, putting all his trust in Allah (SWT), submitting to His will, and believing that he is always in need of Allah's (SWT) help and support."
(quoted from  "The Ideal Muslimah", by Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi)

Thursday, December 6, 2018


So the other company has mainly women. And I just heard them happily and loudly greeting their friend entering the room. So I thought, I would have a nervous breakdown if I was the friend. Just because I’m not close to them... 

I think I would still accept it and no nervousness occurs if it were my college friends. Well the thing here is, I’m just not good at making friends. Maybe I don’t want new friends. Shrugs.