Thursday, March 28, 2019


I might not show it to you or the public. I might not express my gratitude. But I'm always thankful for the past years and even til now and in the future. I still bottle up so many things but you'll always be in my prayers.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

#518: Reverting old posts

I have reverted some posts which have those photos with aurat terdedah. Mostly from high school, in 2009. Never would I want to delete them. Maybe I'll reconsider to save the photos and edit them so the aurat are covered.

Friday, March 15, 2019


I can’t believe how every time I put on ‘make up’, I still remember how my close friend  talked behind my back about my makeup on my wedding day :( and didn’t even come upfront about it afterwards. I know I don’t actually have close friends. But I just pray the best for them. I am that negative person like how Amal Azman is. It’s hard to have friends or stay connected with them. Because I just give the negative vibes.