Wow first post of the year. Bismillah 😂

I have known about my voice for my whole life.
So people talking and questioning about how rough or deep my voice is in a negative way? since the beginning I showed up on screen till now? I'm used to it.
And they don't understand how blessed I am to have a voice like this. How blessed I am to be skinny.
It's so difficult to be consistent in good deeds and amal ibadah so alhamdulillah I have these two that I can control and be consistent on.
I'm not shaming women who has that natural soft voice, like, check, we are women, that's natural.
But so happen that there are also women with my kind of voice. We are built like who we are for a reason. It's the one thing that I don't have to struggle and worry about. It's not like I can't be soft. I can. I'm a women. I don't have halkum 😂 kan? Hahah
Allah does not burden a soul beyond it can bear.
And another ayah I'm reminded about is Fabiayyi ala irobbikuma tukazziban. An ayah idk why that's easy to remember. "Mana nikmat Tuhan kamu yang mana lah yang kamu dustakan?" A quote also that is framed in our office-bless him!
I mean, you have akal. To think. So why people are so easy to give negative remarks without really digging deeper into it? Like this comment?
And well. That's about it. A topic about my voice that I never share on screen. My logic says the topic sounds kinda sensitive to people. I'm not affected by it, but to other people. So I just pray instead.