" If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. "In this case, that quote does not fit. Many couldn't make it. For sure I was upset. Might as well just go out last week. Perhaps it was because the host was as if a nobody, thus they ignored the invitations.
Swell. Why bother things like that? No matter. It is just the way it was meant to be. And I'm freaking using DJ Machale's words. Can't wait to jump into that world of Pendragon's again.
Nonetheless the plan still went on, and in this journey, I experienced new things. It was more worthy and exciting when I experienced them with my friends. Not alone and scary like in Kuantan.
Whatsoever, I was late, because of someone, again. He wanted to come along but was not so sure and it took me a while to be confirmed. Fortunately we hit the ice when there were less crowd. Najat stayed out from the rink. Seems to me she wasn't thrilled at all to go ice skating. Isn't that right, Najat? ;P Conversely, I was so eager to hit the ice, I wanted to run to buy the ticket. But, of course, I'm still sane and may god let it be like that.
I felt a great sensation as I stepped on the ice for after.. months. Didn't take long to adapt. One round, and I was good to go. Too bad, after a few small rounds, I got a dang small painful blister on my right buku lali, I felt my skin was torn, literally. But I was still in doubt. And I checked it only after one hour had passed. This didn't happen before. I probably skate too early before I could really swoosh the right way. Anyway, the company was kind to give out plasters without a price.
I was still in pain and that made me lose focus. Okay, that sounded like I took this too seriously. I just couldn't get myself to skate well and not care about the blister. So I made no improvements. And always unbalanced. Fell two times. Scored 2-0. Well, Atul won. She skated a weird way, but she still moved and felt the cold breeze. That's the best thing about skating, you could skate smoothly and feel the cold wind brushes your skin.
Then again, big whoop! Worrying about it was not worth 'my' money and time. I put myself to ease and went through it blissfully.
Just so you know, we already felt the pain for only after a few slow rounds. It showed that we didn't exercise. I don't like that. I HAVE to exercise. Thinking that skating could do me a lil favour, I made it through the pain and that's one of the reasons. What's more, we never failed to make time for pictures :D

Oh heck, I forgot to take pictures in McD. Atul and I had lunch there after we got out from the ice after 2pm. Pity Atul, she only ate biscuits beforehand. For sure la gelojoh makan haha. So McD was the place where we met Mus together with Faisal, who seemed to be a quiet guy, and a few minutes later, Ainaa, who, out of the blue hugged us from behind. And what time was that? Around 3 pm. Looking at the bright side, thankfully she arrived safely.
So we talked nineteen to the dozen until ATUL didn't realize that she finished her french fries! Gemok la atul! :P Wait, Ainaa helped Atul to finish it. And I ate mine alone. Well, I ain't fatty 'coz as you guys said, I need 'em fats. Hehe. Let's just say McD's french fries were soo delicious than any other. Dipping it with salt was the extra flavour. Atul, if I ever get high blood pressure, it's because of you. You taugt me, you're the blame :P
Mus, Atul, Najat, Ainaa

Anyway, I wasn't entertained by anything except for one - chocolates. They were too yummy to resist!
"I got to have some sweets," Ainaa stated.Yeah, that was undoubtly true, despite almost two months of no chocolate (yet still gained some weight).

After Mus and Faisal and us parted, we were off to take the bus.

When we first got on the first bus, Najat only realized that the red button on a pole in the bus could be pushed. Heck I didn't laugh at her, coz I figured out just before her. We were on the same page and like waayyy behind. Ye lahh, jarang naik public transport. Walaupun dah 2-3 kali pergi Sunway ni. Haha.
The other thing that we figured out was the first bus went further into Shah Alam, then only make a U-turn. Why didn't it cross our mind? Not that we had other transports other than taxi. We've gone through it before, with Athirah, but how could we forget?
It took 2 and a half hours for me to get to KLCC, and then waited for my brother for another half hour. Others, from what I heard, till 1 am, 'coz they were brought to some place by.. someone's sister. Ainaa's maybe. Pfft. 1 AM? How did you guys hold it?
* * * *
Phew! What a dang long entry. I think this' the longest entry I've written. No matter. I haven't blog for longer than I thought, until I almost give up on it.
ReplyDeletesorry lah x pegi :(
you're not a nobody lah!
mmg nak ikut
imy lah :(
sorry tau erin! :(
It's okay bebeh. I accept ur explaination hehe