Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Some facts on me based on my birthday month

I got this from atul's entry. I don't know where she got it, but some of them hit straight to the bulls-eye.

Bulan Februari
Berfikiran abstrak,
sukakan benda yang reality dan abstrak, inteligent,bijak dan genius,
berpesonaliti yg mudah berubah *Mood swings, I've never been consistently happy.
mudah menawan org lain,
agak pendiam. *Not agak. I AM a quiet person.
Pemalu dan rendah diri. *Yes, I'm quiet because I'm shy. HUMBLE, yeah. There are just people who are better.
jujur dan setia pd segalanya *If this is about a guy, yes, I will, once I get involved. If it's about friends, they are the one who were there when I needed them, so it's a yes.
keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat *always. I want to achieve something, but it's hard. My body doesn't work for it. Something is just stopping me from getting it.
tidak suka dikongkong,
mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong,
suka kegiatan yg lasak *I do! It's extremely fun!
emosinya mudah terluka dan sgt sensitif *even for tiny things, I don't know why. I don't often show it.
mudah mempamirkan marahnya. *What I think is, I don't get mad too easy but I don't about what other people think. I just fear that I might become like my dad - getting mad without realizing he's doing it.
tidak suka benda yg remeh-temeh,
suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya *happens every time meeting new person! Even my old schoolmates. I keep in touch very less :( In school, it's just too had to talk 'coz I'm quiet and shy.
sangat berani *Yeah, in activites and in front of public. dan suka memberontak,
bercita-cita tinggi dan suke berangan-angan dan ada harapan utk merealisasikan impiannya *All of these are true. I like to build castles in the air and I could see there are possibilities that I might achieve it although I'm stubborn to achieve it :p
pemerhatian yg tajam *Never fail to detect cute guys. Haha.
suka hiburan dan sukan *I like sports, do it everyday in school. But at home, it's just too cozy for sports but very suitable for entertainment :D
suka benda yg bersifat seni *Like what? I like to draw once in a while.
sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran *Always think about romantic stuff to do with my beloved but it's quite hard to show it. Hmm.
berkecenderungan pd benda yg tahyul *As in FANTASY? Heck yeah. I wish I have dozens of books of those.
amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros *Mudah belanja? TOTALLY. Not buying clothes, but something else and still boros.

Moral of the story,
belajar untuk mempamerkan emosi. *always tried the minute I knew myself for so long ago.

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