Like it's no use of having a blog when I don't update for more than a month. Actually I would not want to update my blog when I'm there. Just connecting to the internet is suicide enough. But if I didn't come home, there would be another month for abandoning this pity blog. Nonetheless, what's important is the present. So let's roll!
It turned out that I got there first. Fortunately his late arrival gave me the chance to survey the dresses - for after so long. The dresses were so lovely! Yet, going to Padini made me think of Atul. The blue and green checked dress reminded me of 'Ainaa. And the heart ached for missing the old days. That's the way it was meant to be. At that instant, I realized how boring it was not have someone to accompany me. I've always been alone in the college. Sob. Ja'i was guilty too for coming late.
And you made me wait further when you were checking things out -.- I was starving man!
Carl's Jr.
It turned out that I got there first. Fortunately his late arrival gave me the chance to survey the dresses - for after so long. The dresses were so lovely! Yet, going to Padini made me think of Atul. The blue and green checked dress reminded me of 'Ainaa. And the heart ached for missing the old days. That's the way it was meant to be. At that instant, I realized how boring it was not have someone to accompany me. I've always been alone in the college. Sob. Ja'i was guilty too for coming late.
And you made me wait further when you were checking things out -.- I was starving man!
Carl's Jr.

So at last, this was our main goal. For lunch. Precisely, our heavy branch. Because of Ja'i craving for Carl's Jr. and no want else to accompany him - pity youu, I did him a favour. Dude, you should thank me for this :P **Bukan nak belanja! Anyway, it was my first time.
The burger I ordered was so delicious! But after some bites, not even close to half, it felt like I've eaten the whole burger. FYI, we took more than half an hour to finish the burger. Longer for Ja'i anyways :P He seemed tormented when finishing the burger. HAHAH! His burger was very yummy but too big and fat that you have to open your mouth really widely. Well, that's what you get at higher price.
It was worth it for once in a long time. Note: Not to eat frequently. Coz there's plainly too much calories!
Later we made our way to Hang Tuah station. It was a new adventure and discovery for me. Baru nak kenal KL dengan mendalam xD Frankly, I didn't feel it was that far. Perhaps a companion could make me feel that way. And the fact that it was drizzling. Is it usual that it's raining in KL every evening lately? Yet the distance burnt some of our calories, like Ja'i said.
And so we parted to our own ways. Tak kesah pun. There's another more than six months seeing each other. Note that sarcasm.
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