Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stars Night Out!

a.k.a SAB Prom Night 2010
Lucky number 017 and named as YUNA. Ye lah, theme dia pun about living one night as celebrities. Please don't mind the picture. Macam fake gila. Haha.

Meeting my SABian friends was so wonderful - especially Natasha Zulkifli. Girl, it's so hard to get updated about you! It has been so long, and there was definitely no other way and time to meet like this again - taking into account that it happened at the really end of the year.

Dah la malam tu MALAYSIA menang lawan bola. I really love the fact that people now are very proud to say out our country's name.

So, about the prom, I love the lightings. Colourful and beautiful patterns shone the ballroom. Yang paling best, lighting masa dancing, which was the blinking white lighting that made the world seemed slowing down. That made me reminisce the day in the scream park in Sunway Lagoon. Very similiar but scary.

Musics were fantastic! The mashed up remixes were the bomb. We spent like an hour dancing our heads off with the great shake-it beat. Haha. Stopping before the time was up, was not an option. Just kept dancing! And, well, so much into living in my own world, I just knew some of the musics that were played. So when people were shouting out some words, I just played along. What the heck, right?

Invited band, Hayad, was really awesome. They were crowd-friendly, and the vocalists sounded really great. Not to forget, good looking! Loves!

The food! Dayumm they were really delicious and mouth-watering. I like the sarcastic EMCEEs, telling us not to be afraid to eat as much as we could. Heck, of course we would be. Or else it would ruin the beauty on wearing the dress! But I didn't care anyway, because my dress was a lil' loose. Sayang I didn't have the chance to try the dessert. Well, many of us didn't. And the punch, was nice.

I could go on and on talking about how great the prom was. It was just so wonderful. I'm glad I was there :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Natural feeling

When the song Mine, by Taylor Swift was played on the radio, I was starstruck. I don't know what that song wholly means. But to me, to my own dictionary of life, it is about a girl, that is very grateful to have had a guy that makes her life so wonderful in the past five years. Although she couldn't have him, she still cherishes him.

No kidding. Although this current guy has made me feel loved, I still can't forget that guy in between times. Ainaa was right, that of course most guys would just play you at this age. But behind all those, when I told Ainaa, I've seen his good side, soft spots. Ainaa was right that, in the future, he'll be a good guy.

I could see that. He has shown his faithfulness to the girl. And that sometimes kills me. Like I'm really pissed off because of their relationship. Like I hoped I was in the girl's shoes. And I still have this picture, where he would go to me someday, after having a terrible break up with the girl. And like, I'm the best friend that you should have gone to.

Bertuah tak dia dapat kau? Bagi aku, dia sangat bertuah. 'Kadang-kadang aku rasa tak bertuah bila tengok hot chicks,' kau kata. So what? Ko still faithful kat dia. Aku nampak itu. But that's the thing that I wouldn't get, would I? No.

Maybe ni masih lagi permainan hati. Coz after we hung out, the feeling came again. You're still in my mind, coz we hung out. Coz you still text me in IM. And you fooled me when you escorted me half way home, which actually didn't mean anything to you. But of course, why should I say something when I don't want anything? Come to think of it, I could tell that I have liked you, that you were right, when you said I liked you. And after that I could say just telling what has been bottling up inside. I wouldn't expect you to say anything. But then, it'd be more awkward to ask me to lepak sama-sama. Sigh. What a drama. If you don't say anything, erin, the drama's off. So just let it be.

I just can't lie. He still gives me this deep admiration to him. Would I ever forget you? Yes, erin. It's not possible. Distance will make you grow less fond of him. It's for the better. Whatever you know. Sometimes I hoped that we are going to be in the same university. Crazy, right? But whatever it is, kalau ada jodoh, kita jumpala lagi. Kalau ada. Kalau takde, Allah dah tentukan orang yang lagi baik. Seeing this current guy liking me, I think I will get someone like him, and better, insyaAllah. And that you should continue what you have learnt in school. The boundaries and all. InsyaAllah. I want the perfect love. The almost perfect ones, will follow up. InsyaAllah.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kontest Blog Terkemas

Syarat-syarat sah :
  1. Follow blog Hana and Fyza. Tak follow pun takpe but make sure korang selalu update dengan blog dorang okay :)
  2. Make sure korang ada blog. No blog. No contest. No PRESENT! haha
  3. Buat satu entry dengan tajuk Kontest Blog Terkemas. Amek banner tu sekali and make sure terus link kan ke blog Hana atau link entry kontest ni
  4. Bila dah buat, bagi link entry korang dekat ruangan komen Hana. Submit link entry dekat blog Hana je tau. Senang sikit. Kang tercicir habis kena pelengkung ngn korang. Haha
  5. Kontest ni terbuka kepada semua warganegara tak kira umur dan jantina
  6. Tag 3orang blogger ok :)
  7. 3orang pemenang je akan dipilih. Kalau nak tambah nanti dorang bagitau. Haha
  8. Update : Sebab takut ramai sangat, limit untuk join 1000 orang sahaja. Kalau nak tambah nanti Hana bagitau :)

Tag, you're it !
  1. Madihah
  2. Jaja
  3. Adli - laki bole tak? Haha

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cook Book #2

Another rules that I found imporant.
  1. Lepas masak, Sejukkan badan > mandi > makan.
    Kalau tak mandi, busuk gila doe, serius.
  2. Sukatan guna instinct.
    Nak memasak ni tak payah sukat-sukat. Macam berapa gram, berapa sudu. Tamsilnya, berapa camca garam? Oh tidaakkk. Tu semua dibubuh secara natural. Yang tu la yang saya tengah belajar ni. Cara nak bajet sukatan.
Hari ni, saya belajar masak ikan goreng dan sayur kangkung. Simple je.

Untuk ikan goreng,
  1. Letak ikan-ikan dalam besen, bubuh garam secukup rasa, dan kunyit. Gaul-gaul bagi kunyit and garam tu rata. Ingat! Guna tangan kanan je, jangan guna dua-dua ataupun tangan kiri. JIJIK. Ok.
  2. Biasala nak goreng ikan ni, bagi minyak banyak sampai ikan bole err, direndam dalam minyak tu. Tunggu sampai ikan garing, tengok-tengokla kaler dia camne. Pastu try gaul-gaul kee. Sendiri boleh agak ikan tu dah garing ke tak. Just follow your instinct.
  3. Dah agak garing, keluarkanla dari kuali. It's time to put in cut onion and cili api. Cam biasa nak tumis ni nisbah 2:1. Hari ni baru saya tawu, cili api tu sukatannya bajet satu sudu besar RATA. Tumis sampai garing! Hari ni aku tak tahu kenapa, mungkin sebab aku selsema kot, sebab aku tak bersin pun. Aiyok.
    *Tapi anda anda ni perlu tahu, bersin tu sebenarnya bukan perkara wajib. Ni semua instinct semata-mata. Gunala kehebatan senses anda - hidung, mata, telinga, dan sebagainya.
  4. Bila dah rasa-rasa garing (tumis tu), masukkan je ikan-ikan tadi ke dalam kuali. Gaul bagi sama rata.
  5. Tutup api, sedia untuk dihidang.
Senang kann? And benda dan cara yang sama je mak aku guna. Tapi sedap beb!

Masakan sayur kangkung.
  1. Panaskan minyak yang sikit. Masukkan bawang yang telah dipotong kecil-kecil, dan juga ikan bilis.
  2. Garam dimasukkan dengan jumlah yang secukup rasa. Gaul gaul bagi rata.
  3. Tunggu garing. (Sekali lagik).
  4. Sementara tu, atau sebelum tu, boleh la patah-patahkan dan cerai-ceraikan daun dan batang kangkung. Tak payah guna pisau. Kita guna kekuatan jari-jemari. Kecualila nak potong hujung batang tu, yang tak elok tu.
  5. Bila dah garing *yawn* (bosan aku, asek benda yang sama), masukkan sayur kangkung tu.
  6. Gaul bagi rata.
  7. Dah nampak kena air, layu sikit je, tutup api. Hidang.
Setiap hari mak masak simple. Macam simplenya sayang saya pada mak. Saya sayang mak. Simple en? Ok pape je lah.
Tapi sebelum ni ada je dia masak western food. Time tu err, saya tak dapat ilham lagi. Jadi, terlepaslahh. Takpe. InsyaAllah masih ada lain masa.

Oh ya, aku ni taklah pro mana untuk menamakan makanan. Tanya mak aku pun, dia tergelak BAHAHHAHAHA. Sebab takde nama. Hantam je. Tup tup, jadi, voila!

I'm wondering, bila la mak nak masak spesel lagi. Haish.

Okay till the next cook!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cook Book #1

Starting from today, I am going to talk about my experience in cooking, insyaAllah. This way, I would make myself go to the kitchen and just cook. I am learning from the pro, bebeh!

Okay, so far. There are some rules. Rules of mine, according to the sequences of my exprience.
  1. Jangan gosok mata semasa atau selepas mengupas bawang. Walaupun dah basuh tangan dengan sabun, jangan gosok gak! Sampai la pedih tu hilang. Otherwise, just embrace the agony. Lagi elok.
  2. Pucuk paku. Nak masak pucuk paku, kenala amek daun dia je. Tapi cubala patah-patahkan batang dia. Kalau lembut batang dia, dan boleh dipatahkan, masukkan sekali untuk dimasak.

Haaa alang-alang aku cerita je la pasal nak buat lauk pucuk paku ni. Sedap beb.
  1. First, kita goreng ikan bilis dulu. Takyah letak apa-apa. Just ikan bilis. Bila tengok kaler dia lawa, masukkan ke dalam pinggan, tapi aku panggil mangkuk.
  2. Then, masukkan pucuk paku pulak. Jangan banyak sangat minyak. Masak pucuk paku ni sampai dia layu sikit je. So kena tengok ah, jangan tinggal lama-lama, kang mati pulak pucuk paku tu. Dah habis masak tu, masukkan ke dalam mangkuk tadi.
  3. Dalam kuali yang sama dan minyak yang sikit, tumis pulak bawang (yang dah dikisar ataupun dipotong kecik-kecik). Kalau saya la kan, saya lagi suka kisar. Senang dikunyah. Haa ye. Pastu masukkan sekali satu sudu kecik cili api. Nisbah bawang kepada cili api adalah 2:1 ye. Kalau nak kurang pedas, nisbahnya 3:1. Haa tu untuk orang tak tahan pedas. Masukkan jugak garam secukup rasa.
  4. Tumis ni kena selalu dikacau untuk nak bagi sama rata. Pastikan tumis ni garing. Macam mana nak tahu dah garing ke tak? Sampai anda mengeluarkan bunyi, 'Atchoo!'. Kalau tak paham, bunyi tu bunyi bersin. Kalaula tak bersin langsung, saya tak tahu la apa masalah dengan hidung anda. Pegi jumpa doktor ye.
  5. Lepas tumis tu dah garing, tanpa tutup api, masukkan je pucuk paku dan ikan bilis ke dalam kuali. Gaul dan gaul dan gaul sampai rata. Rasa - rasala sikit, sedap ke tak. Kalau macam tak cukup garam, tambah lagi sikit.
  6. Padam api, dan sedia untuk dihidang.
Haaa senang kan? Aku ni tulis kemain lagi. Padahal tolong mak gaul gaul je. Bila nak cuba? Aku tak pasti. Tengoklah nanti, kalau kalau this 'cook book' come in handy, dan bila dapat hidayah memasak ^^

So, this is the first time I do this. If my explanations are boring, then it's okay. Ni untuk aku senang nak rujuk. Aku ni malas menulis. Sekarang ni lepas habis SPM, nak menulis pun kekok, macam budak baru belajar nak menulis. Jadi, apa salahnya guna teknologi yang ada?

Oraitt till the next cook! Toodles :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


You freed me from the dreadful cage.
And now I can fly blissfully in your presence :)
Out of sight, but never out of mind.