February 8th 2011
I got out of the class, reached for my bag for the phone to read the new messages that came in during the class - to see that the red phone was not there. I got panicked and went back to the class to see if I left it. But I was so sure that there was no sound of a phone dropping on the floor.
Whoever would take it? I could not accuse my classmates, my friends - they were too good of a person. I believed them that much.
In the cafeteria, I found out my camera was also gone too. I thought I brought it everywhere and was very sure that I've put it in my bag. I didn't leave it at home. It was too precious. I love capturing moments. I couldn't sit still and decided not to eat and go back to my room.
The sad part was that, my friends told me to think carefully - perhaps I misplaced it, perhaps I didn't even bring them to class. They made me think I was being careless, or halucinating. That made me got angrier. How could my friends say that? But maybe they were right. Because sometimes I AM careless.
My friends didn't help me search for those stuffs. They were like, it's okay, they must be in some place somewhere, don't worry. How could I not worry when I lost them at the same time? Why did the stealer didn't take my purse too? I felt pissed off with myself and also with them.
I felt like a ghost took it, like toyol. Like there was a huge power at work here. Stupid, I know. I even thought there was somebody that was making a prank on me. Kusut gila ok.
At night, I was like, pasrah, redha and tawakkal and went to eat at Medan Selera Seksyen 2. My friends pun macam tak risau sangat, so I didn't want to burden them with my griefness. It felt so light to go out without my precious things.
When I was eating, I felt a thump in my heart, feeling so incredibly sad, but what else I could do? I lost them already, and I tried to search for it. I even lost my black simple handphone, when I was not in the room. Geez.
But when we got home... a happy birthday song was sang, by my batchmates. I cried so loud, especially when I saw my camera in the hands of Fadzlin. Like, 'OMG camera aku, camera aku!!' Of course I got mad at them, in a good way. Really, I could feel the relief washed through me.
Thank god you guys didn't see me cry and I ate for dinner before I knew I got punk'd.

Muka Ada paling annoying haha