I realize even sisters don't update you everyday. Except your mom. Mom listens to you even when they're exhausted or tired or sick or happy. But friends and sisters...
You just can't blame them if they lack of showing care sometimes. Heck, erin, it's SOMETIMES not ALWAYS. Most of the times, they'd willingly listen to you.
I've forgotten how offensive atul can be. It's her. I have to accept it. Don't I trust her anymore? Why didn't I just say it? Just say that she actually hit that right into my gut. It's like being mad, screaming at me because I'm not good. Out-to-date. Too shallow. The way she typed it, gave me the wrong message. But I know it's selfish for me to feel that way when she's worried about tsunami in Japan. And all the people in it especially her foster family.
Madihah is right. Girls are complicated, banyak kerenah. Girls tak open. Most girls, which includes me. I just can't voice out how I actually feel. Like how I feel kat Atul. Apa yang dia cakap tadi.
I pictured guys having that conversation. Mesti open, cam cakap je, and then, gelak gelak. It doesn't have to prolong. A simple confession would make things better. Lagi lama, lagi teruk effect dia.
Nonetheless, Atul's right, I'm like katak bawah tempurung. That's what the words came out from her meant. Just that I don't like the way she delivered it.
Babe, sorry okay? Maybe mood swing ._.
So I felt really energetic today. I sang in the morning, even bila siap siap nak pegi kelas t5. Macam I'll know things will be good today. Like, not being sleepy in the class.
And I was right. Tak mengantuk langsung time T5. Bukan sebab I know it would be satu jam lebih je kelas. Heck, I actually looked forward for Puan to extend it to 12pm. Tapi ada talk tu pula. Takpelah.
Cara taknak mengantuk are,
- minum nescafe pagi pagi.
- Set a good mood.
- Give 100% attention to lecturer. Heck, bagi 200%.
- Respond to what she says.
- WAJIB salin apa dia cakap. Like every word that comes out from her mouth.
*kalau miss, memang kau rugi. Sebab jawapan setiap soalan ada daripada apa lecturer cakap. Kau nak fahamkan point tu pun susah kalau miss.
- Bila dah tahu kena salin, kita lagi aware kita tak boleh rasa mengantuk. Kalau tak, miss apa lecturer cakap.
Early this morning, I watched videos on ways to wear scarf, especially pashmina, on youtube.
Mind you, I've always secretly guna Shera's (my roommate) broadband. Sebab pagi-pagi memang dia tak guna. And dia tak kesah. Heheh thanks Shera.
So my target was Hana Tajima's style. I love the effortless way of wearing a scarf. Memang simple and neat! But I adjust sikit sikit so that it covers the top.
I've been wanting to know how to wear it since I saw her on Maria Elena's blog. *Past few weeks baru kenal siapa Hana Tajima sebenarnya. Additionally, when I saw a senior wearing like Hana, I was like wow, that looks so nice on her. So I wanted to try it out.
Jadi la juga. Just that I still feel uncomfortable wearing like that sebab dia tak ikut shape muka. Takut nampak selekeh. But actually style tu memang untuk tak kesah your bentuk shawl kat muka nampak macam mana. Basically to try something new, you need that courage and confidence.
So bagus la ada new style. Kalau tak, bosan je style sama since the first time I wear shawl. Even my sister changed her style of wearing shawl.
21st March, the date of final exam for T2. I'm pshyced. I've become more determined to get 75+ after failing and having tutorials with Madame.
Man, I still depend on people to pass a paper. MARA student ke ni?
You just can't blame them if they lack of showing care sometimes. Heck, erin, it's SOMETIMES not ALWAYS. Most of the times, they'd willingly listen to you.
I've forgotten how offensive atul can be. It's her. I have to accept it. Don't I trust her anymore? Why didn't I just say it? Just say that she actually hit that right into my gut. It's like being mad, screaming at me because I'm not good. Out-to-date. Too shallow. The way she typed it, gave me the wrong message. But I know it's selfish for me to feel that way when she's worried about tsunami in Japan. And all the people in it especially her foster family.
Madihah is right. Girls are complicated, banyak kerenah. Girls tak open. Most girls, which includes me. I just can't voice out how I actually feel. Like how I feel kat Atul. Apa yang dia cakap tadi.
I pictured guys having that conversation. Mesti open, cam cakap je, and then, gelak gelak. It doesn't have to prolong. A simple confession would make things better. Lagi lama, lagi teruk effect dia.
Nonetheless, Atul's right, I'm like katak bawah tempurung. That's what the words came out from her meant. Just that I don't like the way she delivered it.
Babe, sorry okay? Maybe mood swing ._.
So I felt really energetic today. I sang in the morning, even bila siap siap nak pegi kelas t5. Macam I'll know things will be good today. Like, not being sleepy in the class.
And I was right. Tak mengantuk langsung time T5. Bukan sebab I know it would be satu jam lebih je kelas. Heck, I actually looked forward for Puan to extend it to 12pm. Tapi ada talk tu pula. Takpelah.
Cara taknak mengantuk are,
- minum nescafe pagi pagi.
- Set a good mood.
- Give 100% attention to lecturer. Heck, bagi 200%.
- Respond to what she says.
- WAJIB salin apa dia cakap. Like every word that comes out from her mouth.
*kalau miss, memang kau rugi. Sebab jawapan setiap soalan ada daripada apa lecturer cakap. Kau nak fahamkan point tu pun susah kalau miss.
- Bila dah tahu kena salin, kita lagi aware kita tak boleh rasa mengantuk. Kalau tak, miss apa lecturer cakap.
Early this morning, I watched videos on ways to wear scarf, especially pashmina, on youtube.
Mind you, I've always secretly guna Shera's (my roommate) broadband. Sebab pagi-pagi memang dia tak guna. And dia tak kesah. Heheh thanks Shera.
So my target was Hana Tajima's style. I love the effortless way of wearing a scarf. Memang simple and neat! But I adjust sikit sikit so that it covers the top.
I've been wanting to know how to wear it since I saw her on Maria Elena's blog. *Past few weeks baru kenal siapa Hana Tajima sebenarnya. Additionally, when I saw a senior wearing like Hana, I was like wow, that looks so nice on her. So I wanted to try it out.
Jadi la juga. Just that I still feel uncomfortable wearing like that sebab dia tak ikut shape muka. Takut nampak selekeh. But actually style tu memang untuk tak kesah your bentuk shawl kat muka nampak macam mana. Basically to try something new, you need that courage and confidence.
So bagus la ada new style. Kalau tak, bosan je style sama since the first time I wear shawl. Even my sister changed her style of wearing shawl.
21st March, the date of final exam for T2. I'm pshyced. I've become more determined to get 75+ after failing and having tutorials with Madame.
Man, I still depend on people to pass a paper. MARA student ke ni?
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