A man literally rolled the window down and yelled 'Heybodoh!!!!!' Because we were kind of blokcing the road at the round about but sir, with all due respect, kau expect aku nak stop tengah jalan dan halang kereta lain?? Ambik la space kat blakang aku tu untuk jalan. Ce istighfar sikit
Update May 8th, 2019, 10:32am
I don't know if I blogged about this story Imma tell. But I remembered another incident where it was Dad driving the car, and a motorist hit the hood of the car and gave us a middle finger. I was so furious, I almost cried. Because it happened to Dad. It was directed to Dad. I know I haven't seen that much cruelty happen to me or around me in that way, and I know it's a cruel world we live in. But I just felt that something, I don't know what feeling it was, that I was shaking and almost cried. But I recovered eventually, before getting off the car.
Maybe this feeling was from the Hey Bodoh incident but both are almost similar.
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