Okay. Out of Ramadhan menu topic.
I just finished listening to woman-up podcast by Aida Azlin & Saphia Moulana on Hijab.
"What is modesty to me?" Um, so personal to explain haha
"Why do your wear hijab?"
And may I add, why do I try to cover perfectly.
This I like to share.
Aurat is something that I can control. It's within my control. To fully cover or not to. I already know the wajib, and I can easily control it. So I do it. I do it because I just want to guarantee to obtain that part of pahala. Because I know human have flaws and we do mistakes/dosa all the time even if just a little. We are not maksum.
In conjunction to wanting redha from Allah, by covering well.
Apart from that, covering fully has become my consciousness. Alhamdulillah. I couldn't go out without socks, without my hijab covering front and back, without my shirt being loose and covering my thighs, without it being fully opaque.
I cringe to those who wear hijab, covering front and back, but then you can see their neck. And astaghfirullah, I do make prayers for them, for Allah to guide them.
I might be "better" at covering myself, but I know that I'm no better at heart. They might be more kinder than me than I'll ever know. That's okay. So then I'll just pray may Allah guide them so they can be perfect.
And anyway, each of us has our own struggle and hardship to perfecting on covering our aurah. Struggling everyday is also something that Allah look upon.
Hm that's all I can think of for now.