Dude as usual I was bored so I scrolled IG then FB for some good stuff and positive vibes.
Then there's a streamer, using her profile, sharing gender centric stuff or is it stereotype? Yeah that one. Like... girl, no. I don't like it. Well actually some topic about stereotype I agree, looking at many perspectives. But those two shared posts... nah. Enough is enough. I unfollowed her xD
One was about, that it's lucky for women who have soft voices because people are at ease with them. Jadinya, suara perempuan yang halus ni untung, senang nak hidup. And her caption? She has harsh voice that people think when talking to them, she wants to quarrel.
Dude, you can have a big voice but be soft spoken. Like, how else a MAN can be soft spoken? It's how you talk. But then, it's not wrong if your nature doesn't talk softly. You just can't change it. I know your caption and other comments are saying those, but that doesn't mean that you are against your own voice, maybe you accept it. But on the surface, you kind of are portraying to other women to feel bad about your voice. When it's actually completely normal to have big husky deep voices.
Allahu. Kalau nak kata siapa lagi untung, untuk personal opinion yang berat sebelah, untung lagi jadi perempuan yang suara besar sebab tidak mudah untuk mendatangkan fitnah, mudah untuk mengawal cara cakap. Tegas dan besar suara.
This is the thing that I wish to tell people but afraid so, because, well, it's kinda controversial. Also, it needs to be told in a way that it's not one sided, because who knows, girls with soft voices struggle too.
Side note:
Dude I'm so thankful of my appearances. I'm skinny, my butt is not big, my boobs are small, my voice is big (as what people say). Alhamdulillah Allah has made it easy for me to jaga aurat, termasuk aurat suara. And to girls out there who have the opposite, it's a test for you. And Allahu, it's not all ease in my life, Allah always has tests for us in this life. It's easy for me on these aurat thing, but it's hard for me on other aspects in my life.
Two was about women taking a long time when they're shopping, because they are calculating the surplus or deficit in buying 1kg or 500g. Something like that.
Like... seriously, you wanna stereotype women in this? It's not only women though? Men do this too. Maybe people with knowledge or wisdom would do it. See, it's people who are meticulous. Not women. People need to stop stereotyping, man.
Sorry, I'm so anti and against with these kind of statements.