11TH MARCH 2009
Just so you know, I've made soo sure that two of my camera's batteries were full. Soo semangat to record all the formations from any unit.
I asked my friends to do so but they didn't. Instead, they took many pictures of kawad and other things. Pictures are still precious! ^^ So I thank Najat and Afiq D!! Hehe.

For your info, we got our school magazine on the same day. I'll say it's cool ;p
Eh, seriously, Emi (KRS) looks so gay here hahah

Preparing ourselves before the competition. Vain sikitt haha

Lepak-lepak lagi. Huhu

Eleh. Poyo la mu, nab haha

Yee Seen making sure all of us had the complete accessories :P

Najat tauke jam tangann haha.

Pandu Puteri

Fara dan Mad menggedik sebelum kawad

Pehh, ketua platun terbaik kitaaaa. Yaaaaa

PBSM. Shaz pun mengvain sebelum kawad ;p

Jeles tengok gambar ni. Smart sangat haha. Tu anuar and effendi. Lagi siapa? Haha

Farhah ngan Hana. Hana masuk kawad ke? Nape cam tak complete baju huhu

Puteri Islam! Setelah sekian lamanya menghilang, kini kembali!!

Last but not least, RENJER!! Before kawad!!
Eh, dang, scouts picture is in another card.
Click to enlarge weh. And take a look at the third floor, the banner ;DDD
Suba was like, 'Turn around, and if you guys like what you see, shout as loud as you can.'
When we saw that banner, we all went, 'WOOOOOOO!!!' and scream like heck haha.
Semangat weh. Hahah.

Before starting to show the basics. Semua muka ketat onee haha

First formation

Second formation

Third formation

Third formation. Hahah everyone was finishing the word 'Unity'.

After renjer, the last team to finish kawad.

After kawad, drizzling. Lepaskan tensen hehe.

Atul mesti tersesat weh. Haha

After announcement of who's the winner. Semangat je haha

Form 4 rangers whom will rule the Ranger for next year! Hahah

Tetap mengukir senyuman walaupun dilanda kekalahan.
Cewahh haha.

Atul tensen mak tak boleh amek kat skula haha

Alaaa kan ada the best ketua platun en. Bagus la tu!! :D Mana tak happy nya haha

I love my dad's new camera. Tengok, lima orang pun boleh fit haha.

Perasaan teruja pabila memegang piala JOHAN kawad. Hahah.
Dang, ada orang buat tanduk.

Last picture of us with the trophy haha.

Kesian mereka-mereka ni. Berjanggut menahan teksi!
That's it! Renjer got the first place! Never in my whole life in this school, that I could feel the great happiness to actually won the FIRST PLACE for kawad!!! I mean, two years of kawad, we did not get any place ;( So now I feel sooo terharu bila dapat first. Tears of joy T_T ;')))
Frankly I tell you, I've never been so semangat to prepare TWO cameras for kawad competition. Dunno what has got into me hahah.
eh erin!
ReplyDeletekiteorg kadet hebat lah!
mesti slalu senyum =)
btw, aku nmpk slim lah dlm gamba2 ni
aku suke
aku suke camera kau lah erin!!
;D ;D ;D
Sbb camera je weh. Athirah bole tipu org ni haha