For now, I only have Syahbandar as our topic of conversation. Pathetic, isn't it?
And I couldn't get to be happy about our today's single conversation.
Because of the mood of the day. It all started from the previous day's incident.
About Syhbdr KAWAD. Sooo stressful. Emi is getting worst and actually is already worst.
Thzen Hong is right. Nothing has changed, the exact day after Ainaa left the school until today.
You know, I always saw my friends talking at a corner, playing around and joking around.
They were loud. And it really distracted the kawad. It was all hay-wire!
They should not be there, talking to each other, gossiping to one another.
If they wanted to do so, do it somewhere else, in the class, where it would be oblivious.
I've remembered those days when I was around while Ainaa was teaching the form 1's on kawad alone.
It was only Ainaa, one person, who gave the command.
What Yaakub and I did were just observe and tell Ainaa if something was wrong.
If we were to talk about something, we would really slow down our voices so that they wouldn't hear us.
We respected the situation.
Having the commander's friends were just there to make loud noises and to distract them.
Emi asked to observe, instead they talked and laughed like hell.
I don't care who. The obvious is Dzaed, as he was always there when I was around.
Still, I can't focus blaming on only him. It's everyone who came for the kawad.
To "HELP" the commander.
For serious, kawad's surroundings are getting hay-wire and uncontrollable.
Again, Tzen Hong was right.
The form 1's saw the seniors playing around and making noises.
To me, it seemed really wrong.
When they've seen the seniors were not serious, they would be so too.
They won't even want to respect you when they know you are playful.
Now the thing is, commander is our problem. Frankly said, both emi and wei lin are not good and bad and worst.
Both bagi koman cam tayik. Lembik cam tayik. Tak fokus. Tegur pun aq rasa aq pun tak takut.
Sejak Ainaa pergi, main problem kiterang: KOMANDER. Budak2 tu manja, so what? Buat bodo je.
Aq tak paham kenapa ainaa pilih WEI LIN. Tapi aq paham kenapa kiterang setuju dengan Emi.
Kiterang nampak kebolehan dia. Aq nmpk kebolehan dia. Dia mmg boleh serius.
Aq percaya kat dia, I've put faith on him.
Tapi tengok la cara dia koman. Cam tayik. Ni bukan koman. Ni PONDAN. Badan lembik.
Pastu bagi muka kat budak. Nak tegur pun cam penakut. GAY doh. Nape la aq tak prasan?
Lagi teruk dari jaarvis ko tawu. Dah la banyak complain. Aq sekeh kang.
Salah satu alasan dia, dia malas nak ajar kawad, sbb nnt wei lin gak dapat nama.
Kamon la wey. Ko boleh dapat nama, sbb nanti hari sukan ko yg koman. Bukan wei lin tu.
Yaakub pun satu, serius aq tak paham nape dia tak boleh tukar jawatan.
Sedangkan dia main pilih je wei lin ngan emi.
Okay fine, ainaa yg pilih wei lin. Tapi penolong? Ainaa tak cakap apa2 pun.
Tp yaakub still kata dia penolong kawad. Maksudnya ko la yg lantik dia suka suki?
Kalo camtu, nape takleh tukar emi tu jadi ketua?
Awal2 mmg aq nak yaakub tukar je. Bagi emi tu smgt sket ajar.
Tp skarang, tak payah. Not worth it at all. Tuka tak tukar, for sure sama je.
Emi manja sgt, suka complain, lembik. Semua lah. Dia cakap je lebih.
Serious cakap je lebih. Cerita dia, punyalah fuhhh. Kawad power. Tp tgk2.. ek eleh. Cam tayik.
Aq tak salahkan budak2 kalau derang tak respek emi atau an.
Sorry to say, tapi aq dah nampak things clearer. Aq tgk sbenanye budak2 tu tak salah.
Komander yg salah. And kiterang yg setuju pilih dia pun salah.
Apa kiterang nak buat? Emi tu the last choice weh. Serius dah takde siapa yg boleh ajar kawad masa tu.
Cuma dia je la. Yg power2 tu ada kat unit uniform.
Aq prasan dah dua kali aq tegur emi pasal kelembikan dia.
Time koman boleh pulak pegang plastik air tu. Minum2.
Yg previous one pulak, yg nak sgt take over ainaa bagi koman tu, dia pegi peluk tiang, pastu bagi koman.
Weh, LEMBIK GAY GILA. Tayik mu suka peluk tiang pastu bagi koman?
Siapa nak respek org lembik weh? SIAPA????
Since ainaa pindah, aq pun kena masuk renjer.
Tak dapat nak tgk kawad, cam ngan ainaa.
Aq bukan nak kata apa, tapi since ainaa takde, aq pun takde as if aq pun pindah.
Slepas tu jadi hay wire. Lagipun aq nak tolong emi pun takleh.
Dia sendiri taknak improve himself, apa lagi yg aq nak buat?
Aq dah cakap jgn lembik, dia still camtu.
Aq rasa nak btaw je ainaa pasal ni. Tp aq taknak la bebankan dia.
Still, aq rasa aq nak cakap, tapi btaw dia jgn risau sgt.
Aq just nak nasihat dia. Mmg yaakub ngan aq perlukan dia skarang..
And I couldn't get to be happy about our today's single conversation.
Because of the mood of the day. It all started from the previous day's incident.
About Syhbdr KAWAD. Sooo stressful. Emi is getting worst and actually is already worst.
Thzen Hong is right. Nothing has changed, the exact day after Ainaa left the school until today.
You know, I always saw my friends talking at a corner, playing around and joking around.
They were loud. And it really distracted the kawad. It was all hay-wire!
They should not be there, talking to each other, gossiping to one another.
If they wanted to do so, do it somewhere else, in the class, where it would be oblivious.
I've remembered those days when I was around while Ainaa was teaching the form 1's on kawad alone.
It was only Ainaa, one person, who gave the command.
What Yaakub and I did were just observe and tell Ainaa if something was wrong.
If we were to talk about something, we would really slow down our voices so that they wouldn't hear us.
We respected the situation.
Having the commander's friends were just there to make loud noises and to distract them.
Emi asked to observe, instead they talked and laughed like hell.
I don't care who. The obvious is Dzaed, as he was always there when I was around.
Still, I can't focus blaming on only him. It's everyone who came for the kawad.
To "HELP" the commander.
For serious, kawad's surroundings are getting hay-wire and uncontrollable.
Again, Tzen Hong was right.
The form 1's saw the seniors playing around and making noises.
To me, it seemed really wrong.
When they've seen the seniors were not serious, they would be so too.
They won't even want to respect you when they know you are playful.
Now the thing is, commander is our problem. Frankly said, both emi and wei lin are not good and bad and worst.
Both bagi koman cam tayik. Lembik cam tayik. Tak fokus. Tegur pun aq rasa aq pun tak takut.
Sejak Ainaa pergi, main problem kiterang: KOMANDER. Budak2 tu manja, so what? Buat bodo je.
Aq tak paham kenapa ainaa pilih WEI LIN. Tapi aq paham kenapa kiterang setuju dengan Emi.
Kiterang nampak kebolehan dia. Aq nmpk kebolehan dia. Dia mmg boleh serius.
Aq percaya kat dia, I've put faith on him.
Tapi tengok la cara dia koman. Cam tayik. Ni bukan koman. Ni PONDAN. Badan lembik.
Pastu bagi muka kat budak. Nak tegur pun cam penakut. GAY doh. Nape la aq tak prasan?
Lagi teruk dari jaarvis ko tawu. Dah la banyak complain. Aq sekeh kang.
Salah satu alasan dia, dia malas nak ajar kawad, sbb nnt wei lin gak dapat nama.
Kamon la wey. Ko boleh dapat nama, sbb nanti hari sukan ko yg koman. Bukan wei lin tu.
Yaakub pun satu, serius aq tak paham nape dia tak boleh tukar jawatan.
Sedangkan dia main pilih je wei lin ngan emi.
Okay fine, ainaa yg pilih wei lin. Tapi penolong? Ainaa tak cakap apa2 pun.
Tp yaakub still kata dia penolong kawad. Maksudnya ko la yg lantik dia suka suki?
Kalo camtu, nape takleh tukar emi tu jadi ketua?
Awal2 mmg aq nak yaakub tukar je. Bagi emi tu smgt sket ajar.
Tp skarang, tak payah. Not worth it at all. Tuka tak tukar, for sure sama je.
Emi manja sgt, suka complain, lembik. Semua lah. Dia cakap je lebih.
Serious cakap je lebih. Cerita dia, punyalah fuhhh. Kawad power. Tp tgk2.. ek eleh. Cam tayik.
Aq tak salahkan budak2 kalau derang tak respek emi atau an.
Sorry to say, tapi aq dah nampak things clearer. Aq tgk sbenanye budak2 tu tak salah.
Komander yg salah. And kiterang yg setuju pilih dia pun salah.
Apa kiterang nak buat? Emi tu the last choice weh. Serius dah takde siapa yg boleh ajar kawad masa tu.
Cuma dia je la. Yg power2 tu ada kat unit uniform.
Aq prasan dah dua kali aq tegur emi pasal kelembikan dia.
Time koman boleh pulak pegang plastik air tu. Minum2.
Yg previous one pulak, yg nak sgt take over ainaa bagi koman tu, dia pegi peluk tiang, pastu bagi koman.
Weh, LEMBIK GAY GILA. Tayik mu suka peluk tiang pastu bagi koman?
Siapa nak respek org lembik weh? SIAPA????
Since ainaa pindah, aq pun kena masuk renjer.
Tak dapat nak tgk kawad, cam ngan ainaa.
Aq bukan nak kata apa, tapi since ainaa takde, aq pun takde as if aq pun pindah.
Slepas tu jadi hay wire. Lagipun aq nak tolong emi pun takleh.
Dia sendiri taknak improve himself, apa lagi yg aq nak buat?
Aq dah cakap jgn lembik, dia still camtu.
Aq rasa nak btaw je ainaa pasal ni. Tp aq taknak la bebankan dia.
Still, aq rasa aq nak cakap, tapi btaw dia jgn risau sgt.
Aq just nak nasihat dia. Mmg yaakub ngan aq perlukan dia skarang..
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