Tuesday, April 11, 2023


There was a point in my life where I realised, takde istilah soalan “bodoh”. Because during my time in BDO, I asked a really silly question, a simple question regarding our task. I was like taken aback, paused for a second, when my friend realised how I reacted to my own question, she told me, “Girl, it’s okay, I do that at times too, maybe too frequent and it’s okay.”

Coz you are a Professional Degree Holder, and you ask a question who a Form 5 (17 years old) could answer. Of course it looks silly. 

So when I entered the live streaming world, during the early times, I was frustrated with stupid questions. But then I muhasabah diri. No, they don’t ask silly questions. Sometimes they are just really curious, they just don’t know things. But if I feel like the question is stupid AND felt so off and wrong, I would just answer nicely that I hope don’t offend people. 

So I respect and agree wholly on Abu’s statements. 

Whilst there was a video on fyp TikTok that said something like she’s upset that so many women don’t know so many things about menstruation in Islam. Like she looks down upon people who don’t know stuff. Whatever her intention is, her statement is so wrong to me. 

So I pray that whatever q I get from people, I read it in calmness and answer with haya.