Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Twins of Faith 2012: Purification of Soul

By an American lecturer Omer Suleiman.

**This is what I learnt and got the chance to jot down. It may not be in  sequence. Do correct me if I'm wrong. All the bad is from me, and all the good comes from Him. 

  • The greatest enemy is your free time. Spend your time on good things.
  • Guilty conscious are not there when you let yourself towards sin. Learn to stop the sin the second you remember Allah. Don't let bad things, example, gazing, entertains your thoughts.
  • Standards change in accordance to the people around you. Your view and standards change.
  • Thus change the environment. Distant yourself from the sin. If the medium of your sin is Facebook, then deactivate your Facebook account. Make sacrifice for Allah, leave the sin. Leave the things that lead to sin.
  • A believer is the mirror of a brother. People can point out to you what you can't see. Surround yourself with people who love you and tell that you're messing up. Surround yourself with people that care for you. That point out your faults in a way that they care.
  • Good deeds lead you closer to Allah. It makes you aware of yourself. But do not be proud of your good deed.
  • The sin that make you taubah totally is a good thing, that you're forgiven of that sin, because of that sin, you changed for better.
  • Be engaged in purifying yourself, that you try and strive to be closer to Allah. That when explaining your deeds, you can say, 'These are the things I did, and I have tried my best for You.'
  • Tell kids with positive enforcement, make 'em feel good for what they do, for example solah. You should say A'uzubillahiminash shaitaanirrajiim, and tell them, don't be lazy. Instead of telling them that they're lazy and shaaitan is influencing you.
  • We get closer to Allah through our sin. We should recognize our imperfections and strive for perfection.
  • Feeling good about your good deed is good. It means you're still alive, your spiritual. But don't be proud of it. The deed should not make you feel like you're better than anyone else and make you do less deeds.
  • Fear that you're not as good as you are in private.
  • Turn towards Allah, as long as you're moving in the right direction. Allah patches up for, make excuses for you, for the sin you made. Allah covers up your sin with your voluntary deeds.
  • Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim. The basis of these words is Ar-Rahmah, which is motherly love.
  • Those who are accustomed to failure, so dependent on others and like to blame others, and actually knew their potential but procrastinate.
  • Avoid minor sins which are intentional and consistent. Paradise of certainty inside you heart, which is Allah. Just ask Allah, speak to Allah. Lord is willing to forgive you and show you mercy.

That is all. Till then. Salam.

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