Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Writing less here doesn't mean I reflect less. It's just that I have other places that I meditate. On Telegram, whatsapp, to my husband actually. Haha so yea. 
Anyway this post is about... seeing friends needing, yearning for a significant other. 
At first, seeing D having those feelings, so apparently showing it on his social media, seems so cringy. Because like, they would always, always look up to quotes like kalau jodoh tak ke mana, quotes about jodoh basically. But then they still voice out the yearning to have that significant other. 
But then when I saw my girlfriend saying it, it's really a serious feeling, despite you trying to be closer to Allah. It's human nature. And maybe I feel cringe because I have forgotten how it's like to yearn to get married to my husband. Because now, I feel like, yea, alhamdulillah we're married. I might have forgotten what it felt like to wait for him, that's why I feel cringe.
Hence here, I pray that Allah grant them soleh/solehah spouses at the perfect time that He has planned. 
In the meantime, through hardship or happiness or struggle, even a long or short period of time, let us embrace the moment and learn from it. 

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