Wednesday, April 8, 2015

#70 Stat Audit Report

Soooo. Today's stat audit. Funny. Coz my senior explains things in the car, and I tried to make sense of all of it, but nothing does. Then he was like, aku cerita tadi kau lupa, kan? *gelak* I was like... grinning coz it's true. I could not remember things I couldn't digest.

These are the things that I could remember only by actually seeing and doing it. And I made a mental note to write a report on what I've done for stat audit, for my own benefit.

For all I know, in ACCA, since it is international, it does not include local regulations like what Forms do a company need for Co. Secretary to keep.

For audit purposes, you only need to key in data for relevant financial year end and remove the previous audit work. This works like a checklist. Just answer the questions from the template given, and key in either N/A, Done, Yes, or No.

So today I learnt the Book of Registrar, which consist of many registers like, Register of Members, Directors, Secretary, Options, etc. It is to be checked against the most bottom of the word file.

Second, it was the Book of Minutes Meeting where they keep the summary of the meeting held. Common things like AGM, and what happen in AGM. Any re-elections, any new bank accounts, etc. To be photocopied.


Things to do:
  1. Read checklist in the word file and answer. Check accordingly to relevant books/documents.
  2. Photocopy a few documents.
  3. Cross ref (with red pen).

Things to photocopy:
  1. Minutes for the financial year end (found in Minutes logbook)
  2. Annual Return (found in black ring file)

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