Friday, March 19, 2021


 So there are a few things I wanna talk about... 

-purdah sharing by ustaz
-jarang whatsapp
-mysterious at its best

Idk which topic to talk first. But that just reminds me... tomorrow at 9pm I have a podcast I need to attend. Oh man.

Oh I just asked the PIC, they are still in discussion for the price... like... if it's too hard to take me, then you don't need to ^^" Malas nak cakap camni kat Uncle, sebab it seems negative, and Ha wouldn't agree to say that to Uncle. Ha wouldn't even say something like, because there is something in you that they want you to be in the podcast. But then Ha didn't say that -.- I know I want to hear what I want to hear but then yeah hahah never mind. 


Tadi tengah gaduh dengan orang dekat PM page, asyik minta nombor WhatsApp, disuruh jadi Supporter tapi tak jadi Supporters, lepas tu tanya lagi nak nombor, like, haha macam macam ragam ya manusia ni.


About jarang whatsapp, only less empathetic people ask about that. So questions like this, ignore je, tak perlu reply. Sama macam soalan yang kat atas tu haha. Not saying you're not important, but I have my priorities. And if people could not be empathic about that, then you need to learn how to.


The topic judging is related to purdah sharing by Usatz. I've had a conversation with Ha about this, kinda long and I have no mood to type it all again here haha so next time insyaaAllah.


Being mysterious at its best. THIS. I hate social media, how people easily know about you. How easy people can have access to information about you. Your height, age, weight, the place you live, your favourite things, food, drinks, fears, childhood stories. Oversharing.

But that's what people wanna know about.

When the thing is, our beloved mothers, we don't know about their appearances, masyaaAllah, of dunya things, favourite food and whatnots. But only their traits and exemplary characteristics. 

Which this related to purdah sharing by Ustaz. 

I just love being a nobody, a mysterious person, a secretive person, but at the same time, spreading good, insyaaAllah. May Allah use me of good in this dunya <3


So about aurat. I worry so much about my friends, the streamers who opt to wear a certain way that you could see aurat is not covered properly. It is even recorded. The dosa jariah yang ada tu.. Allahu Akbar. I can only pray for them.

That's why I don't post other people's photos on all of my platforms. Fair to everyone so that no one terasa. And better that I jaga diorang daripada post.


Updated 20 March 2021, 6:29pm

So makeup is tabarruj. Purdah is to elak fitnah. 
You wanna makeup for yourself, to feel confident, or you just simply love it. 
You wanna feel pretty? Wanna get some compliments? So that can boost your confidence? Idk
Yes it's tabarruj. But then again, when I relate it to not judging, you can't judge. 
Nak tegur pun, in this modern days... idk, rasa macam all the people out there already know ^^"
So in the end you just can't judge but du'a untuk diorang.
And really, never ever hate the sinner, but hate the sin.
Hablum minallah, hablum minannas. Allahu Akbar. 
Bayangkan sebab sorang je kita sakitkan hati, benda kecil, benda besar, dia tuntut kat akhirat.
Tak nak. Allahu :(

But anyway, I've worn  heavy makeup (heavy which means I need to wear foundation and such) on 8th July 2017. and 31st July 2017, then only on around 20th Dec 2020. Couldn't escape it if I enter this industry huh :/

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