Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Every time I see other people being praised of their good deeds, I feel envy. But astaghfirullah al azim. 

It always reminds me of the IG post that came across in my explore page. Like MasyaaAllah for the explore page. MasyaaAllah how it appeared, how I terbuka hati lembut hati untuk bukak post tu and stay and read and listen. Bless the people who shared good things.

The post is about Nabi Sulaiman AS, and how he's good and knowledgeable with power.

The conclusion of the story is, ask for forgiveness from Allah, and ask from Him, if it's good for me, for my religion Islam, please grant me more of it, so I can do good deeds for me and also for other people. 
The Ustaz also said that, you need to know your weakness. If your weakness is fame or money or power, that with all those, you'd become bad, greedy or whatever negative, then don't ask for it. Ask for Allah to jauhkan dari semua ni and give something better, even though we do not know what to ask from Allah. Just ask to jauhkan diri kita dari lalai, riak dan takabbur.

Allahu Akbar.

If people were praising me in that group, idk how bad my 'bangga' is. It's hard to keep my heart sincere, to pujuk. It's hard enough now, it's gonna get worse if it really happens.

So I told my husband, that maybe, I'm just this mediocre (in a good way) and average person out there because Allah knows that being more than this, would make me forget Him. 

Allahu Akbar.

Whatever it is, I pray that Allah sends me good companions, good things to our way, and prevent us from anything that make us deviate from Allah SWT. 

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